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December 15, 2024

Hospital: Mike Garrison, NAMC


Home: Gerald Clemmons, James Cole, Thomas Davis,

Virginia McDonald


Our sympathy is extended to Sherri Miller on the passing

of Charles. Services for Mr. Miller were held on Wednesday.


Cedar View: Barbara Parker

El Reposo: Eldora Clemmons/104

LCNH: Prue Kelley/1

Mitchell/H’worth/Barbara Smith


SHUT INS: Freddie Davis, Stacy McCormack, Evelyn

Newton, Betty Scott, Vicki Wright.


Please remember those in the nursing homes and our



ISAIAH’S CALL: Please continue to bring Hamburger

Helper Meals or give your donations to Amy, Ann, or



We begin a new series of lessons for the Auditorium Class

next week. The Teachings of Jesus for the 21st Century.

Lesson #1 Authority in Religion for the Modern World is

on the table in the foyer. Men…The lessons to be taught

are also on the table in the foyer. As always, please pick

the lesson you would like to teach and sign the appropriate



Lesson #8 for the Wednesday night class is on the table

in the foyer.


Please check the Bulletin Board for cards, etc.


We will be collecting funds for Food Cards for
Christmas. These funds will go to give cards to

families at Rogers and Lexington schools. Please

make your checks out to North Carolina Church

of Christ with a “For” notation, Food Cards. If

you have any questions, see Phillip or Alene.


We are in charge of the services at Cedar View

Assisted Living Facility on Sunday, December 29th,

Beginning at 2:00. Please mark your calendars.

We are buying Christmas gifts for 3 girls at the Children’s Home this year. If you would like to donate money, please make your check payable to North Carolina Church of Christ. The notation should be Children’s Home.


The Fellowship Building is booked for the 7th, 14th  & 15th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 31st of December


Midweek Services  will be on Dec. 26th and

January 2nd.


There WILL NOT be a 5th Sunday Fellowship Meal this month.


Please keep these folks in your thoughts and


Michelle Bernstein, Sherry Box, Alma Butler, Billy Bryant, Vicki Burbank, Haley Bugg, Donnie Carroll, Tom Childers, Jane Clark, Gerald Clemmons, Mitch Clemmons, Jim Clemmons, Brandon Cody, Jennifer Davis, Thomas Davis, Caitlyn Dennis, Tammy Dial, Kevin Dillon, Dakota Garner, Mike Garrison, Bridgett Gattis, Carter Glascock, Kayla Hamner, Lori Hargett, Shirley Harmon, Cypress Hayes, Taylor Hendrix, Charles and Joyce Hester, Lana Hines, Christine Holden, Cindy James, Josh Hones, Brock Killen, Don Lakey, Madalyn Littrell, Brenda McDonald, Charles Miller, Porter Mitchell, Peggy Montgomery, Luke Oliver, Tracy Pace, Ethan Pennington, Kenzie Perkins, Dennis Phillips, Tamika Powell, Mike Prince, Linda Rickard, Ricky Rogers, Lazaro Ruiz, Susan Schmidlkofer, Kim Sharp, Steve Shelton, Kristi Shollenberger, Barbara Smith, Betty Sparkman, Kevin Springer, Jean Symore, Earl Tank, Brad Tank, Patrice Tucker, Rene Voser, Luke White, Donna Wilkerson, Vicki Wright




It’s the most wonderful time of year! The Christmas holiday recalls all sorts of joyous feelings and memories. Everywhere you go, people seem a little happier and a little friendlier, especially in the church.


For many of us, the biggest care on our minds is finding that perfect gift for a loved one. Seeing the look on someone’s face when they open my gift on Christmas is one of my favorite experiences of the holiday. I love being a blessing to my family, friends and brethren. Gift-giving demonstrates generosity and our love for one another. Sometimes we will never know the extent of happiness an act of generosity has had on someone’s life.


As Christians, we need to be looking for ways to bless our fellow man year-round (Heb. 13:16). That goes especially for our brethren, but also for those outside the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). We see in the book of Acts a great example of the value of a benevolent heart. In Chapter 9, verses 36-43, the Bible records the only mention of a woman named Dorcas. She was a disciple of Christ who had become sick and died. Peter was nearby and two disciples brought him to see her. There Peter found widows weeping and mourning over the body of their friend. Peter knelt and brought her back to life.


What was it about Dorcas that these men and women cared so much for her? Verses 36 and 39 reveal that she was a beloved member of the community who “was full of good works and charitable deeds” (v. 36). When news of her resurrection spread, the Bible says many were converted to Christ. As Christians striving to be the church that Christ died for, we rightfully spend a lot of time making sure that our worship reflects the pattern laid by Christ’s disciples. But, we must not forget to make sure we reflect their hearts in our charity. 1 John 3:17-19 tells us that we cannot shut up our hearts to brothers in need. “Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him” (v. 17).


Let this holiday season start a new habit for yourselves. Let us go and look for opportunities to reflect the love of Jesus Christ to our brothers, sisters, and strangers. Speak to the church elders, community leaders, and to the less fortunate in your life and see where you can be a blessing. If we reflect the heart of Jesus Christ and His disciples more, how many souls might believe in our Lord? Let us “…be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life” (1 Tim. 6:18).


Merry Christmas!


Via: Robert Lupo

Palm Beach Gardens Church of Christ

Palm Beach Lakes, FL

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